The Big Storm!

The biggest storm in a few years happened this weekend and we had a blast!  It started really warm and we had a lot of ugly snain (rain/snow).  The ground was slushy and gross, but on the evening of January 4th it finally turned to snow.  We woke up to about 1 1/2 feet and it continued to snow all day long.  Here a few pics of our day.  Roland was a good sport getting up really early to shovel and then again when he got home.

Our House after Roland Shoveled.

Our Street going downhill.

Fox Street heading toward North Lakeshore Blvd.

Me falling into the snow in front of our house.

Roland Skiing down Golden Ave.

Video of Roland Skiing down Golden Ave

Roland has been enjoying his first big storm and I have been having a great time too!  Looking forward to skiing in the next week!  Lots of new snow!!