Roland's mom and sister came to visit us in August.  We had a BQQ, we went to the lake, we went down the Truckee, and generally had a really great time!

My mom and dad came up Friday night to have a BBQ and meet Roland's sister, Desiree, and his mom, Barbara.  We had a great BBQ and had fun having my parents meet Roland's family.  It was a great start to their visit to Lake Tahoe.


Roland pulled us out to those rocks!

  Barbara and me enjoying the ride out to the rocks!



Roland and his mom and sister.                                                    Desi and Barbara enjoying the lake.

We had a great time floating out to some rocks in Sand harbor.

We all took turns jumping off our rock! 

The water was so clear we had to attempt an underwater picture.  Tough staying under water for a picture!!

So we went for one above water!

The next day we had to introduce them to a Tahoe must-do.  We floated down the Truckee river.  As always it was a good time.

We all had a great lazy Saturday river float!

Roland wanted his family to see where he works so we went to Plumpjack's for some appetizers and then a hike up to the waterfalls behind the restaurant.  We had a good day even though Roland said it was a FLAT hike....not so flat, but definitely worth the hike to see the beautiful falls!

Barbara, Roland, Desi at the Squaw Valley entrance

All of us in front of the PlumpJacks, Squaw Valley Inn

Me, Roland, Barbara, & Desi at Plumpjack's

Roland showing off one of his yummy desserts!

Roland and his mountain.  He climbed to the top one day.  We went on a short hike with him, but stopped at some beautiful waterfalls far below the top of the mountain.

Barbara hiking up to the falls.

The falls were great, but the water was ICE cold!  It was a nice place to spend the afternoon!

We had a really great visit with Roland's family and we were really glad that our parents got a chance to meet.  It was a fun vacation for them that they will now have to make when winter comes!!  Tahoe is such a different place in the winter!