Christen's 25th Birthday!!!

Christen called in a gang of people to come celebrate her birthday at Player.  Lots of people from different towns around Chiayi came to share in the event!

Roomies at the beginning of the night.  Christen and Me.

She has been crowned the birthday girl.

Christen and Anji. 

The crown got passed to Kyle (Canadian), Marusa (South African- She works with Christen), Christen, and Allison (Canadian)

Marnell and Me.  Marnell is from South Africa.  I met her my first weekend in Puzih.  She is constantly smiling!!  It is always great to run into her!!

The crown got passed again.....Graham and Me.

Joanne (Canadian), Christen, John (Taiwanese)

Henny!  He is a fun new friend from South Africa.  Been in Taiwan fro 3 years!

Kyle impressing us with his talent of taking a picture with his toe!!!   Kyle, Glen, Christen, Anji, Me

I got to sing with the band a few times!!!  A favorite past time for me!

And the crown gets passed to..............Croyden (New Zealander)

Me and Jason

Puzih Crew (some of them anyway!)  Me Jason, Graham, Anji, Helen, Esther

Glen (Canadian) and Me

Christen, Me, Duane.  Duane is from Canada. He will be taking my position at my school when I leave.

Me and Christen at the end of the night!

We had a really good time bringing in her new year!!  Gotta love this girl!!!

Happy Birthday Christen!!!